C.V. Works 1905 - 1914 Works 1919 - 1931 Works 1932 - 1944 Works 1946 - 1960

Ulrich Bücholdt, M.A.

Building and architecture historian.

Studies in architecture (Darmstadt University of Technology), art history, history of modern times, history of technics and economics (Ruhr-University Bochum).

1993-1998 member of the editorial staff of the periodical "polis". Participation in several publication / exhibition projects, also freelancer in cultural management / public relations.

Living and working in Bochum.


Rüdiger Jordan

Freelance publicist with main focus on history of architecture and industry. Studies in science of dramatics, film and television, history of art and German language and literature (Ruhr-University Bochum).

Since 1999 several releases to architecture of the 20th century and regional history in Rhineland and Westphalia, cooperation in several exhibition projects. Providing the research database "ARCHiv" to history of German architecture between 1870 and 1970 (today more than 185.000 objects and biographies of various architects and artists).

Living and working in Duesseldorf.

Awards for joining projects:

award for the exhibition and publication project on life and work of the architect Josef Franke in history competition "Bild und Gestalt des Ruhrgebietes" (image and figure of the Ruhr area)

award for the book "Sakrale Baukunst in Bochum" (ecclesiastical architecture in Bochum) in history competition "Eile und Weile – Die Geschwindigkeiten des Wandels im Ruhrgebiet" (haste and resting – rates of change in the Ruhr area)