1920-21 block of flats in housing estate "Gartensiedlung am Südfriedhof" in Cologne
1919-31: "F.A.B" – his
greatest hits
Around 1920, Breuhaus moved his residence and studio to Cologne, where he stayed in association with Dr. Jacob Dondorff (*1881) until about 1921. Due to the difficult economic situation and the postwar housing shortage, the studio’s building activity was mostly limited to housing development projects. At the same time, however, F.A.B. planned numerous interior decoration projects in the opulent ornamental style typical of that period.
In 1921, Breuhaus moved to Bonn, where he associated with Heinrich Rosskotten (1886-1972) in the following year. This joint practice, which later had its studio in Düsseldorf, lasted till 1927. During his cooperation with Rosskotten, Breuhaus was also very much involved in industrial building activities: the studio planned several coal-mine building projects and housing estates for the coal, iron and steel industry in the region of Rhineland and Westfalia. As can already be recognized in some of his pre-war projects, F.A.B.s plans until about the middle of the 1920s showed strong keynotes of classicism. Here, Peter Behrens’ imprint is clearly visible. Above all, Breuhaus' overflowing interior plans – melting together elements of “Biedermeier” style of the early 19th century, Rococo, expressionism and cubism – allow us to quote Catharina Berents considers this aspect a German variety of "Art Déco".
From 1928 on, after dissociation with Heinrich Rosskotten, F.A.B. resided in Düsseldorf without a studio partner. This period is marked by an architecture of his that was much more influenced by "Neues Bauen", a term subsuming different “modern” tendencies in the 1920s German architecture. F.A.B. called his model of architectural modernism "kultivierte Sachlichkeit" (literally: cultivated objectiveness) – programmatically realized in the unfortunately not preserved residence of the manufacturer W. in Stuttgart. Flat roofs, curvatures – also in glass panels – and horizontally structured facades were always amalgamated with representative elements and precious materials. The reform ideas as to art and society of radical modernism, as "Bauhaus" for example represented them, were as far away from Breuhaus as they were far away from his wealthy clients.
The furnishing of the "world’s first flying hotel", the Zeppelin airship LZ 129 – better known as the "Hindenburg" – which had been in complete accordance with Breuhaus’ overall plans, was regarded as a spectacular thing. Nevertheless, its realization took place as late as the middle of the 1930s.
miscellaneous industrial buildings for
the factory B. in (Krefeld-) Uerdingen (Rhineland)
administration building for the factory
B. in (Krefeld-) Uerdingen (Rhineland), modified
after 1919
conversion and kitchen-extension of a
country house for the engineer R. S. in the "Gartenstadt
Meererbusch" (gardencity) in (Meerbusch-) Büderich
residential house in Spain
interior design of his own flat in
conversion and interior design of a
single-family home for M. S. in Cologne, demolished
award in competition for an interior
design of a work- and livingroom by order of the furniture industry
Erwin Behr, Wendlingen
3. award in competition for an interior
design of a workroom by order of the furniture industry Erwin Behr,
award in competition for an interior
design of a dining-room by order of the furniture industry Erwin
Behr, Wendlingen
project for a multistory office- and
commercial building "Schwerthof" in Cologne
semi-detached houses in housing estate
"Gartensiedlung am Südfriedhof" for the
"Baugenossenschaft Kölner Gartensiedlung" (cooperative
building association) in Cologne
block of flats in housing estate
"Gartensiedlung am Südfriedhof" for the
"Baugenossenschaft Kölner Gartensiedlung" (cooperative
building association) in Cologne
housing estate "Holweide" for
the "Baugenossenschaft Kölner Kriegerheimstätten"
(cooperative building association of warvictims) in Cologne, mostly
heavily modified
"Gartensiedlung" for the
"Baugenossenschaft Kölner Gartensiedlung" (cooperative
building association) in Cologne, modified
housing estate "Am Blücherpark"
for the "Baugenossenschaft Kölner Kriegerheimstätten"
(cooperative building association of warvictims) in Cologne, partly
heavily modified

before 1921 project for a country house "Bergische Löwen" in Solingen
before 1921
project for a country house "Bergische
Löwen" in Solingen (Rhineland)
before 1921
project for a manor-house at country
estate P.
before 1921
housing estate for clerks of the
"Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks AG" in Gelsenkirchen, still
two projects for a multistory office-
and commercial building "Europahaus" in Cologne
castle for Countess von S. in Thuringia
conversion and interior design for his
own villa in Bonn
before 1922
project for "Konsumanstalt" (kind of department store) for "August Thyssen Hütte" in (Duisburg-) Hamborn
before 1922
conversion of castle Molsdorf for
countess G.
before 1922
miscellaneous designs for fireplaces
before 1922
interior design of a residential house
for M. in Aachen
before 1922
interior design of a residential house
for M. near Düsseldorf
before 1922
villa with a house of fowls for P. in
Plettenberg (Westphalia)
before 1922
project for a country house for B. at
the Lower Rhine
before 1922
project for a country house with garage
and garden in Bonn
before 1922
interior design of a dining room for S.
in Essen
before 1922
interior design of a library for B. in
before 1922
project for a country house with park
in Dortmund
before 1922
villa for C. W. near Valparaiso (Chile)
around 1922
project for a villa for F. in Barcelona
residential- and office buildung,
so-called "Handelshaus" for S. in Kirn (Nahe)
villa for A. B in (Solingen-) Wald
awarded competition design for
conversion of the Hotel "Vogeler" into a banking house for
the Barmer Creditbank in (Wuppertal-) Barmen
starting 1922
Extension of a country housees for G.
in the "Gartenstadt Meererbusch" (gardencity) in
(Meerbusch-) Büderich, demolished
between 1922/26
gardendesign, so-called "Wohngarten"
in Bonn
between 1922/26
project for a coal washing building of
the coal mine "Hannibal" for the Friedrich Krupp AG in

1923-24 coal tower and coal mixer of the coking plant and coal mine "Carolinenglück" in Bochum
between 1922/26
two semi-detached villas for managers
of August Thyssen Hütte in (Duisburg-)Hamborn
conversion of the banking house Hardy
and Co. in Berlin, partly modified
coal tower and coal mixer of the coking
plant and coal mine "Carolinenglück" for the "Bochumer
Verein for Bergbau and Gußstahlfabrikation AG" in Bochum,
factory canteen for the Gelsenkirchener
Bergwerks AG in Gelsenkirchen
between 1923/25
interior design of an office for the
managing-director O. G. in Bochum
administration building for the
Henschel-Lothringen Steinkohlevereinigung respectively the
Westfalenbank AG in Bochum after 1. award in contest 1921-22, heavily
housing estate
for the August Thyssen Hütte in (Duisburg-)Walsum, still
- "Immobilienverwaltungsgebäude"
(administration building for estate management) in Dortmund
extension and interior design of a
single-family house for W. S. in Essen, heavily modified
nurses residence of the "Lazarus"
hospital and deaconesses’ home in Berlin, still existing
before 1925
miscellaneous little administration
before 1925
interior design of his own flat in
before 1925
project for a trolley car for the
Deutsche Verkehrsausstellung (german contest for traffic) 1925 in
interior design of an office floor for
the "Deutsche Credit- und Handelsgesellschaft" in the
former "Hotel Monopol" in Berlin, demolished
conversion of the former Hotel
"Monopol" into an office building for the Neue
Hotelgesellschaft AG in Berlin, demolished
villa for the factory owner B. in
interior design of a single-family home
for M. S. in Cologne, demolished
competition design for the town hall in
around 1925
residential house Hidal (?)
around 1925
residential house for Dr. D. in

1925-26 country house for E. Andreae in Feldafing
around 1925
"House B." in Düsseldorf
around 1925
residential house for Sch. in Bonn
around 1925
residential house in Cologne
competition design for the parkhotel
"Haus Rechen" for the "Hotel- Bau- und Betriebs AG"
in Bochum
competition design for an office- and
commercial building "bridgehead left oft the Rhine" in

before 1926 villa for Kremer in Dortmund
country house "Haus in der
Landschaft" and boathouse at Lake Starnberg for E. Andreae in
Feldafing, demolished
before 1926
project for an entrance hall, a hall
and a lounge in a hotel
before 1926
residential house for M. in Cologne
before 1926
single-family home for H.
before 1926
villa for Kremer respectively the
industrialist W. in Dortmund
before 1926
conversion or interior design (?) of a
"Grand Hotel" in Heidelberg

1926 villa for the publisher Hofrat Alexander Koch in Darmstadt
before 1926
coal washing building of the coal mine
"Minister Stein" for the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks AG in
automobile-shelter and enclosure of the
country house for E. Andreae in Feldafing
villa with teahouse, garage and garden
for the publisher Hofrat Alexander Koch, so-called "Haus eines
Kunstfreundes" in Darmstadt, but heavily modified
interior design of a sleeping-car for
the Mitropa AG
interior design of the steamship
"Schnelldampfer Bremen", so-called "Ozeanexpress"
for the Norddeutsche Lloyd, Bremen, demolished

1926-28 interior design of the steamship "Ozeanexpress Bremen" for the Norddeutsche Lloyd
around 1926/28
Ibach-Flügel Modell "53"
for the steamship "Schnelldampfer Bremen" for the
Norddeutsche Lloyd, Bremen
around 1926/28
project for a car body for the company
N., Berlin
between 1926/29
"Golfhotel La Magliasina" in
Magliaso (Tessin), modified
between 1926/29
project country house with studio,
so-called "Haus eines Malers im Tessin"
between 1926/29
two projects for a country house for R.
am Hallwilersee
before 1927
interior design of the steamship
"Westindiendampfer" for the Norddeutsche Lloyd, Bremen
before 1927
interior design of the dancing and
cabaret "Jungmühle" in Düsseldorf
interior design of the steamship
"Azorendampfer Orotava" for the Norddeutsche Lloyd, Bremen,
mausoleum in Chile

1926/29 project country house "Haus eines Malers im Tessin"
country house for the industrialist St.
in Fahrwangen (Switzerland)
reconstruction of a country house for
E. Andreae in Feldafing, demolished
competition design of an administration
building for the Thyssen-Konzern in Düsseldorf
before 1928
interior design for Dr. I. in Berlin
before 1928
1928 (?)
project interior design of the
passenger area of the zeppelin-airship "LZ 128", unrealized
interior design "Wohnhalle eines
Industriellen" (hall of dwelling of an industrialist) in the
section interior design at the exhibition "Deutsche Kunst"
in Düsseldorf 1928
interior design "Schlafraum einer
Dame von Welt" (bedroom of a socialite lady) in the section
interior design at the exhibition "Deutsche Kunst" in
Düsseldorf 1928
interior design "Café mit
Ausstellungskojen" (cafe with showroom-booths) in the section
interior design at the exhibition "Deutsche Kunst" in
Düsseldorf 1928
interior design of a café in the
Kunstpalast for the exhibition "Deutsche Kunst" 1928 in
Düsseldorf, demolished
project for an own country house in

1928-29 villa "Haus der kultivierten Sachlichkeit" in Stuttgart
3. award in contest about an municipal
Lyzeum in (Krefeld-) Uerdingen (Rhineland)
since 1928
country house with bath house for
consul general Dr. D. in Caslano (Tessin), still existing
villa "Haus der kultivierten
Sachlichkeit" (house of cultured dispassion) with outbuildings
for W. W. in Stuttgart, demolished
before 1929
interior design of a barbecue
restaurant "Columba" in Cologne
before 1929
project for a banking house for the
Barmer Bankverein Fischer, Hinsberg & Co KG in Bonn

1930 weekend home for the actress B. H. in Berlin-Wannsee
before 1929
residential house for Don C. D. in
Barcelona (Spain)
before 1929
interior design of his own flat
before 1929
bigger country house near Zürich
before 1929
project sanitarium in Bad M.
before 1929
project terrace-café in Bad M.
before 1929
project office building in Düsseldorf
before 1929
project country house at the spanish
before 1929
project for a villa
award in competition for a Rhine-bridge
for the Deutsche Reichsbahn near Maxau

1930-31 country house for Dr. jur. R. I. in Berlin-Dahlem
between 1929/33
project interior designs for 12 several
ships, for example draednoughts
project for miscellaneous country
houses in Feldafing und Tutzing
weekend home for the actress B. H. in
interior design of a living room with
library at the international exhibition of interior design 1930 in
1930 (?)
project country house on the seaside at
Cape Formentor on Mallorca (Spain)
country house for Dr. jur. R. I. in
Berlin-Dahlem, still existing

1931-36 passenger area of the zeppelin-airship "Hindenburg"
villa with shed for H. Th. in Arlesheim
1931-32 (project), 1935-36
interior design of the passenger area
of the zeppelin-airship LZ 129 "Hindenburg", detonated in
Lakehurst (USA), the 7th of march 1937
before 1932
residential house in Meißen
before 1932
residential house in Berlin-Wilmersdorf